I just want to make sure that people here are aware of a scam that’s been going around for quite some time that is targeting web designers and developers. The first contact from the scammer can be made through text or email and they use a variety of names.

They have also been posting their scam solicitations on Bark, Thumbtack, and other business referral sites. Years ago, my first experience with this scam came as an email. And now on these lead generating sites.

The most recent scam solicitation came when a phone number was given in a “lead” I responded to. In the instructions of the lead, the person asked to be texted. So I did, and here is what I got back:

Naturally, I said I was interested in hearing more about the project, and so I texted “Simon” asking about the particulars.

I was rather amused when I saw that the email he sent me was literally almost the exact same email I had received some years back.

So, that prompted me to do some digging, and I found plenty of other people who had either almost been scammed or had been scammed themselves:

1 Scam Report

2 Scam Report

There are many others out there if you dig around.

Here is the email below. If you get an email like this, avoid it! And, like anything in life or business, if its too good to be true, it probably is.

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